
How can men face Beauty

Now about men's  Beauty Equipment  grooming methods more and more complex skin care methods which so many men stay away, Xiao Bian today to tell you through four simple methods can wash beauty, quickly learn about it.
Tofu Calian law
Crumble the tofu packed in gauze sacks, used to rub the face after washing. Or may be added to the crumbled tofu in some flour and honey, spreads in the face, 20 minutes after the wash. Tofu is rich in nutrients and has antioxidant effect; in addition, the tofu in a rich plant emulsifier lecithin can enhance skin moisturizing, facial once a week with tofu can remove the aging of the skin, the skin clean, flat .

BC Beauty France
White is the first topic of a woman's beauty, while men are more suitable for use BC beauty. Skin BC is 1000 degrees Celsius high temperature combustion with a heat-resistant timber, and then be refined to form, absorption within the pores microbial effect, can remove the dirt surface of the skin and excess fat, the most suitable day shine people. Although BC skincare looks are dark, and with a smell of ink, so that "MAN" ingredients, but men and women are like!
How can men face Beauty
Cold water wash
Too lazy to use sunscreen lotion or men can wash skin with cold water. Cold water containing a little air "to air and water," the nature of human cells and water are very close, with a great "affinity", so that the cold water more easily penetrate into the skin. In addition, cold water can make the subcutaneous fat into "semi-liquid", make the skin look moist and not dry.
Sake wash method
In addition to drink wine than can do? Men can be a little sake into the warm water, wash flick. Originated in Japan's sake, it has long been used in cosmetic skin care. In ancient times, the Japanese geisha makeup before attaining sake will first use, in order to reduce damage to the skin makeup. The activation of the skin as well as moisturizing effect. Laser hair removal machine  Sake contains alcohol content not only does not irritate the skin, but can penetrate the skin pores and remove dirt, keep skin smooth, natural skin showing good state transparent.


Simple thin abdominal method, let you get rid of belly bulge

Thin belly 6 strokes stylish and simple

① Jogging:  Beauty Equipment  Running can exercise the body to eliminate body fat, and easily injured. The "general belly" are often obese, mileage should not be too long, after adaptation can gradually increase the amount of exercise. US studies have pointed out, jogging and other aerobic exercise can significantly reduce the waist fat, and can improve risk factors for heart disease and diabetes poses. If you want to lose weight, get rid of belly fat, aerobic exercise is the better choice, after adaptation can increase the amount of exercise.

② bent knees Action: lying in bed, his right leg bent so as close to the abdomen, then back to the left leg straight, rotation flexion. Alternately do 20 times. The campaign can exercise waist and abdomen muscles.

③ sit-ups: supine body, let the family to help hold the legs, upper body sit up and capabilities, and gradually increase the number. Save stomach do sit-ups this method is feasible, but not quickly bear fruit, to persist for some time to achieve thin belly effect. Because the amount of fat the body needs to move at least twenty minutes a day in order to be consumed by combustion. To remind you when to do sit-ups due to slow movement rhythm, so not only can enhance the effect of reducing the stomach, but also conducive to good health.

④ waist bending action: first about bend, Stretch hands around, swing around the waist, his hands with the body swing. Do bend up and down, hands forward Stretch the body bend, his hands touch the ground, and then back to normal. Alternately do 20 times.

⑤ empty riding a bike: supine turns the legs flexion and extension, to imitate the movement of riding a bicycle, action light and flexible, flexion and extension range as large as possible. Which lasted 20-30 seconds. This action can strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

⑥ Roufu: right hand folded, cross affixed to the chest nest, rub push straight down to the lower abdomen, after dinner early in the day and a half hours to do 30 times. Right hand palm buckle at the back of the left hand, pressed against the middle of the abdomen "Zhongwan" point on (the xiphoid to the midpoint of the navel), Roufu 100 times clockwise, then left palm buckle at the back of his right hand, rub counterclockwise abdominal 100, insist on every morning and evening to do it again.

Herbal Treatment diet

Chinese medicine lotus leaf gray naturally regulate your diet, some experts believe that drinking after a period of time will naturally do not like to eat greasy food, but will become very small appetite, weight loss effect is very strong for a number of particularly severe obesity women and obese women lose weight without those well-paid off, each 6-20 grams, 3 times a day, even for a month, the weight could be reduced as much as 10 kilos. Western medicine is not as gray lotus leaf is so stimulating the metabolic system, but through the spleen to lose weight, especially for patients with intractable obesity is particularly applicable, the experts recommended the leaves gray with fried Atractylodes powder better. With the lotus leaf gray-obesity to be recognized, criminals eyeing the lotus leaf gray, Laser Wrinkle Machine  news broke Ganzhou, Jiangxi several migrant workers using a simple facility to produce fake lotus leaf ash into the market. Really lotus leaf ash coke was yellow, attention to the screening.

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Summer eight kinds of error method of hair removal

Tweezers removal

Forceps plucking Laser Beauty Equipment   hair removal method can whole root, but the middle may be harmful to the skin pores, a month after the hair grow out, you also need a second removal because hair needs plucking one by one, so that the hair relatively rare the girls can choose this way hair removal.
Tweezers, plucking the beginning of the trial when the law will slow some of the best operations, or very easy to clip to the meat, but also grasp the intensity, the whole root hair removal, try to avoid pinching off the hair, it may be accompanied by a slight when plucking hairs the pain. In addition, be sure to follow the removal of hair growth direction force, if the improper operation of the entire root hairs can not be removed, half the time it will break, but also hurt the pores, more harm than good.


Woman beauty is the most serious, Chinese beauty experts advise: there will be a slight pain when using the epilator in advance can lubricate the skin with soap and water, or use in the shower, reduce pain. When compared to using a pair of tweezers to facilitate the removal of a lot, most of the hair after use can be uprooted, but the problem is the same face may strain pores. Usually a month or so hairs grow out of, we need to unplug it again.
Epilator in the selection should be selected large manufacturers of products, due to the direct effect on the skin, it must ensure safe use. Similar principles epilator with tweezers, when running head hair clip wheel clamped, then uprooted.


Shaving razors with similar principle, but because, unlike hair beard so hard, so when the shaver shaving would be more gentle. And compared to the first two hair removal, there will be no pain. When using the shaver hair removal, hair removal must ensure that parts of the skin is flat state, for example, when you want to shave armpits, arms held up high to make underarm skin is not wrinkled. Because shaving is to use the blade to achieve the effect of hair removal, so in order not to injure yourself when shaving.

Depilatory creams

Depilatory creams is the use of chemicals which dissolve the hair structure, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. However, the principle is to use chemicals to dissolve the hair, so the duration is not too long and needs to be shed again a week later, the hard-working girls can choose from. Off the armpit hair and limbs of the girls can be used in this way, they can control their own efforts, more convenient. Depilatory creams on the skin do not stay more than 10 minutes of time, but should be cleaned immediately after use and clean hair removal site. Use depilatory creams should not be too frequent, when the same site is used twice, separated by at least 72 hours.

Wax Strips

Depilatory wax paper is a fast, practical and convenient hair removal, the hair roots can instantly clear, easy, fast, convenient and durable. One point to note is that hair removal wax paper torn in the moment more intense pain, so I do not hurt fat girls can be considered. Be sure to use the stencil before Wu heat, otherwise it will affect the results, hair removal is not clean. Be sure to reverse the direction of the use of body hair close to the skin quickly removed, and the angle between the skin, the better. In addition, the use of depilatory wax paper, hands and hair removal site will be residual wax stains, use special wipes to clean, wax stains or difficult to clean up.

Drug epilation

Drugs hair removal hair follicle or hair is generally performed to improve a method. There is a class method by suppressing androgen oral pharmaceutical to inhibit hair growth, due to the woman's body has a certain amount of male hormones, androgens when an excessive amount of hair will increase. Because the drug is different from the above-mentioned hair removal in several ways, belong to suppress the growth of hair from the root, it will be a long-term effective, this approach, doctors generally do not advocate use, human health because it would have been affected, more than drawbacks Advantage. Remind want to achieve the effect of hair removal through epilation crush the drug must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is laser energy absorbed by the melanin pigment in the hair follicle, the hair follicle to destroy the exchange by the heat generated, leaving the hair stops growing. Because it is not a growth period of the hair follicle no melanin pigment, it is impossible to produce all at once to inhibit the growth of hair follicles; skin pigmentation laser treatment will cause harm to form spots; if the laser pulse is used more often, or some of the high energy, the skin may also leave scars; there will be red-hot phenomenon after treatment, the skin may become hard two or three days, perhaps there will be residual traces of treatment on the skin.


Laser hair removal is laser energy absorbed by the melanin pigment in the hair follicle, the hair follicle to destroy the exchange by the heat generated, leaving the hair stops growing. Because it is not a growth period of the hair follicle no melanin pigment, it is impossible to produce all at once to inhibit the growth of hair follicles; skin pigmentation laser treatment will cause harm to form spots; if the laser pulse is used more often, or some of the high energy, the skin may also leave scars; Semiconductor laser hair removal machine  there will be red-hot phenomenon after treatment, the skin may become hard two or three days, perhaps there will be residual traces of treatment on the skin.


La depilación láser de la máquina

Multijugador La depilación láser de la máquina   para las expectativas de depilación "permanentes", y de hecho, por definición, es una gran caída ~
Literalmente hablando, pensé que fuera "para siempre" no va a ser un largo pelo de la axila, axila A partir limpio! Es el hecho, de acuerdo con la definición de la atención médica, en tanto que los folículos más de un "ciclo de crecimiento" no crece, puede ser llamado "la depilación permanente" de la.
Por lo tanto, la comunidad médica puede ser generoso decir que era "la depilación depilación", pero la gente siente que "cómo o dejarse crecer el cabello a cabo"? Exigibles, y con frecuencia una fuente de controversia.

A continuación, explicar el principio de la depilación láser:
La mayoría de la gente podría pensar que la depilación láser es el uso de láser, los folículos pilosos afectados directamente (como se muestra), causando daño a los folículos pilosos, lo que provoca la apoptosis folículo piloso.
Pero ..... "Wrong!"
De hecho los folículos del pelo de láser de depilación láser no dio en el lugar, pero dio en el cabello (como se muestra) la superficie de la piel, haciendo que los pelos que el aumento de temperatura, el calor se transmite a todo el pelo de raíz, si el pelo es en sí mismo " crecimiento ", el calor puede ser transferido sin problemas al folículo del pelo, el folículo del pelo y causar apoptosis, y la eliminación del vello con éxito.

Esta es la razón por la mayoría de los hospitales recomendarían 1-2 días antes de la primera pelo raspó la depilación láser, el crecimiento del cabello por lo que acaba de poner de relieve la superficie de la piel de alrededor de 1 mm de longitud razones.
Por lo tanto, se contempla que, cuando llegamos al hospital, el cuerpo de Mao Mao en realidad contiene diferentes períodos, y la depilación láser es el papel de los de la estación de crecimiento, habrá un buen número de deslizamiento a través de la red.

Y debido a que el ciclo de crecimiento del cabello de todo el mundo tiene diferencias considerables, por lo que para estimar la "lucha un par de veces, a la frecuencia," sólo puede ser "estimar", no puede haber una situación real y precisa.
Y el pelo de todo el mundo en la creciente proporción de cuántos, qué porcentaje del tiempo de descanso, de hecho, hay considerables diferencias individuales, por lo que la gente va a la depilación, se siente súper bien el efecto del tiempo en algunas personas, pero es eficaz como se esperaba un factor importante.
(La depilación láser debe modificarse de manera que se diga "reducción permanente de la cantidad bruta total", pero no puede decirse que es "la depilación permanente")

También, de acuerdo con este principio, se pensó que el tiempo que la máquina derramada energía para abrir un poco más fuerte, esperamos para convertirse en un "uno será capaz de jugar tanto tiempo como la completa eliminación del pelo" también está mal!
Por lo tanto, desde el punto de vista de la cognición humana en general, no utilice la definición de términos médicos, casi no real "eliminación permanente del pelo", porque no se sabe, muchos años después, estos pelos no volverán a crecer.
Muchas personas pueden todavía no pueden entender lo que es "no real, la depilación permanente" y usamos fórmulas matemáticas contar la vista de todos: En general, todas las peleas se puede aplicar una reducción del 20% del importe bruto, a continuación, luchar teóricamente unos pocos veces antes de nada de ella?
Matemáticas únicas personas pobres podrían responder: 5 veces, pero en realidad la figura, suponiendo que las originales 1000 pelos, jugando por primera vez, los 800 restantes se golpeó una segunda vez? Los restantes 640 llegará a la tercera parte restante será 512.

Así que, en general, a menudo decimos que jugar seis veces, de hecho, se dejó alrededor del 30% de la cantidad original del cabello,

Ha sido golpeado 30 veces, en teoría, se dejó 1,54 pelos. Ellos no han explicado más capaz de entenderlo?
Otro concepto erróneo que se oye a menudo es "áspero pelo negro, poner un poco de energía para comenzar Además fuerte como para salir," Es el pelo negro equivocada, espesa, pero es, de hecho, la capacidad para absorber el calor fuerte, debe ser adecuada para reducir los peces de energía láser, si la energía es abrir un grande, pero muy probables para causar quemaduras. Por el contrario, está abierta a la energía realmente fuerte y ligero, el pelo fino, ya que el calor no es mucho, pero para fortalecer la energía. Si el tipo de clínicas láser más, de hecho, de acuerdo con la depilación diferentes "condiciones Mao" utilizando diferentes procesamiento láser. (General es evaluar la relación entre el grosor del pelo, color de pelo, color de la piel y entre)
O en algunos casos hay que recordar que:
1. La depilación láser que utilizan el efecto fototérmica, hay una probabilidad muy pequeña de calor puede causar quemaduras de la piel de menor importancia, tratará de establecer las posibilidades de la energía, pero no se puede evitar al 100%.
2. Puede haber algunos pequeños pelos siempre que no se retiran debido a los posibles colores no es lo suficientemente profundo, no lo suficiente como zona de calentamiento, causando calor a los folículos pilosos posición no puede transmitir con éxito.
3. Como el anterior, de acuerdo a  Equipo láser de depilación  decir la verdad, no se puede garantizar la eliminación total del vello puede jugar un par de veces.


After laser hair removal is permanent?

The advantages painless hair removal of laser hair removal is there are many, but the problem is not is not. For example, on a lot of people are worried about the question:? Laser hair removal is also president of it the problem that led to a lot of people dare not dare. Now, I'll tell you, after laser hair removal in the end it will not be long-haired.

Laser hair removal process is simple, quick, after treatment, usually without leaving scars. Laser hair removal fast pain, luck also once and for all, compared to only remove one hair of one EA hair removal method (which is the only permanent hair removal methods approved by the US Food and Drug Administration) to be much safer, laser energy while removing a hair, the risk of scarring after minimal skin burns, and after a few months, even the number of hairs grow back will be significantly reduced.

Laser is by destroying the hair follicle to the hair to play the role, and the growth of hair follicles into growth phase, catagen and telogen. Growing Up in the melanin within the hair follicle, the laser light emitted from the absorption of the strongest, it would be the best contribution to the objective of laser hair removal machine. The more clear the more melanin, the hit rate, the greater the hair follicles destructive. Laser catagen hair follicles have little effect on the telogen hair follicle does not work.

Application of laser therapy is a series of laser pulses, the process will be accompanied by a little tingling or slight burning sensation. Most patients do not need anesthesia can be easily treated. Eyelids, mouth and other parts of weeks topical local anesthetic before treatment. Some patients may occur when laser hair removal treatment temporary redness or swelling, and even mild skin itching, swelling subsided a few hours after treatment, the skin returns to normal.

Laser hair removal quick and convenient, but we still have to pay attention to some things, you need to strictly follow the doctor gave me the exhortations conduct, the doctor will determine the effect of hair removal and according to the particular case to arrange a  laser hair removal time and depilatory hair removal range. There is a certain warm feeling when the laser through the skin, which is a normal phenomenon. Do not use before hair removal depilatory creams, hair removal creams and other cosmetics. Before treatment zone operation must keep skin, hair, and so thoroughly scrape.


Women go to the "small beard" ingenious ways

"Small beard" ingenious methods to remove

Minister  Facial hair removal machine  upper lip "small beard" is a common problem for women. Some women lip hair is light and thin, but also some women lip hairs relatively dark and relatively thick, which gives some women caused no small trouble. In this case, many people choose to go to the salon regularly deal with upper lip hair. But in fact, the girls at home will be able to complete the process.

Here's share seven kinds coup, so you can easily stay at home to bid farewell to the "small mustache."

1, curettage

The lip hair with a razor to shave perhaps not the best way, but it is the fastest and most painless method. But if you take this approach, it is necessary to regularly put out new long hair shaved. Also needs to be taken to avoid skin allergies, otherwise it becomes your turn to another long-term troubles.

2, removal method

This method applies to some sparse hairs lips of women, it is more effective than the first method, but will be more pain. In order to alleviate the pain, before pulling the lips must wipe some cream around, wait for some time and then quickly pulled hairs. In order to avoid lip hairs grow rapidly again, you can always use the mask and exfoliating.

3, lip hair bleach

This method is suitable for lip hair is more sparse and softer women. Lip hairs thicker women do not recommend this method, because this method will only make your hair turn yellow, may look more prominent. Using this method will need to purchase a professional bleaching products, and multiple color removal will be more significant.

4, trimmed with scissors

This approach also applies to the lip hair is more sparse, and the relatively long women. However, this method is only able to repair more tidy hair, cut with scissors or too quickly after the hairs grow, not become less.

5, using depilatory creams

This method enables women within 7-10 days time to completely remove lip hair, but hair removal cream contains skin irritation harmful ingredients, so for safety reasons, before using depilatory creams can first apply it the inside of the elbow test.

6, Waxing

This method can make women away from the lip hairs over a longer period of time, because this method can lip hair uprooted. This depilatory wax in a special store sales, and the use of the method is simple, just follow the instructions to use the specification.

7, sugar hair removal

This method is the same as waxing is very simple, shr  long-term use of this method makes lip hair thinning and less spectacular, but this approach does not achieve complete removal of lip hair effect.


¿Cuál es el principio de rejuvenecimiento con láser

Las arrugas Máquina de la piel con láser   faciales, acné y otros problemas afectaron a muchos belleza que aparece el rejuvenecimiento con láser puede ayudar a resolver estos problemas por la belleza. Muchos belleza que tras volver con láser la piel inmaculada, entonces ¿cuál es el principio de rejuvenecimiento con láser es? Escuchar a los expertos la presentación de Xinjiang magnífico bar.

El principio de rejuvenecimiento con láser

El principio de rejuvenecimiento con láser es principalmente el uso de láser de dióxido de carbono de ultra pulsada, utilizando su fuerte haz, liberación instantánea de la radiación de calor directamente a la piel para que la tensión del tejido subcutáneo colágeno y promover el colágeno de la piel y las fibras elásticas hiperplasia, rejuvenecimiento de la piel . Las líneas y cicatrices finas y pulidas, cicatrices o piel más suave.

Efecto perfecto de rejuvenecimiento con láser

1. arrugas rápida

la piel con láser la piel se frotó las células muertas de la piel y mejorar la capacidad de la piel para la rehabilitación y la piel, y también a mejorar el tejido, reducir las arrugas finas, después de un curso de tratamiento, un promedio de arrugas se redujo un 35% -55% de un mes después de levantar efecto se puede lograr la perfección.

2, mejorar la textura de la piel

la piel con láser puede promover el colágeno de la piel y las fibras elásticas hiperplasia, hacer que la piel se vuelve suave y delicado, sino también mejorar la eficacia flacidez facial para hacer la cara para mejorar la general.

3, el rejuvenecimiento de la peca

la piel  Nenfu láser  con láser no sólo es eficaz en la eliminación de las arrugas, sino también para eliminar todo tipo de manchas y enrojecimiento de la India, pero también se puede lograr el efecto de contracción poros, haciendo que la piel más tierna y muy blanco.